Linda Salamone's Blog

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Dansville, Sunday Nov 25th
Snuck a flight in - day after celebrating our belated Thanksgiving. It was a sunny, almost balmy day and the wind was strong at first. But when we got set up, it was close to being too light, and I launched second after Mark. He had scratched a bit to get up and when I launched, I wanted to hedge my landing bets and be in range to hit the glider port or at least the huge field on Rte 63. I found a thermal just to the right of launch and it was pretty nice. The sailplanes were playing around but not very high- one of them bypassed my climb and when he got to the end of the ridge, I had gained 1000' and he actually looked low. He came back but my thermal had died, with me just under 1200' OL, and we went searching. I never really found anything else until I was over the big 63 field and I climbed enough in that to make a decent approach on the glider port. Lots of sailplane pilots around, it was a gift of a day weather-wise, and a lot of people were taking advantage. The very full moon was huge over the city of Rochester on the way home to yet another Thanksgiving meal.
Season is STILL not over...
Alt: 1144' OL
Airtime: 2o minutes
